Creating Audiences from Personas

Personas and target audiences are key elements in branding and marketing. They help companies understand who they are trying to reach and how to communicate effectively with them. Let’s explore how personas can be grouped together in a target audience and how this can be used to create a strong brand.

Grouping Personas into a Target Audience

A target audience is a broader group of people that a brand aims to reach with its marketing efforts. This audience is made up of multiple personas who share common characteristics or needs. Here’s how personas can be grouped together to form a target audience:

Identify Common Traits: Look for similarities among different personas, such as age group, job industry, or interests. For example, personas who are young professionals interested in technology can be grouped together.

Understand Shared Needs: Group personas based on common needs or problems they are trying to solve. For instance, if several personas are looking for eco-friendly products, they can form a target audience interested in sustainability.

Segment by Behavior: Consider how personas behave, such as their buying habits or preferred communication channels. Personas who prefer shopping online and receiving updates via email can be grouped together.

How This Helps in Branding

Grouping personas into target audiences allows brands to create more focused and effective branding strategies. Here’s how it works:

Tailored Messaging: By understanding the common traits and needs of a target audience, brands can craft messages that resonate with them. This makes the communication more relevant and engaging.

Consistent Brand Voice: Knowing the preferences and expectations of the target audience helps maintain a consistent brand voice. Whether the voice is professional, friendly, or playful, it should match what the audience expects.

Product Development: Understanding the needs of the target audience can guide product development. Brands can create products that solve specific problems or fulfill the desires of their audience, increasing their appeal.

Effective Marketing Channels: Knowing where the target audience spends their time helps in choosing the right marketing channels. For example, if the audience prefers social media, brands can focus their efforts on platforms like Instagram or Facebook.


Let’s look at an example to see how this works:

Brand: EcoPets

  1. Alex Morgan: Pet store owner, 36-45, interested in sustainability, prefers email communication.
  2. Sam Lee: Young professional, 25-34, loves pets and eco-friendly products, active on social media.
  3. Jordan Smith: Parent, 30-40, looks for safe and organic pet products, likes reading blogs.

Target Audience: Eco-conscious pet owners

Branding Strategy:

  • Messaging: Highlight the eco-friendly and safe aspects of products.
  • Brand Voice: Friendly, caring, and knowledgeable to match the audience’s values.
  • Product Development: Focus on sustainable and organic pet products.
  • Marketing Channels: Use social media, email newsletters, and blogs to reach the audience.