Defining your Brand in Subatomic

Your brand is much more than just a logo or a name; it encompasses various elements that together create identity and personality. Here are the different facets of a brand in Subatomic and what they mean:

1. Brand Mission

Definition: The brand’s mission is its core purpose and the reason it exists. It explains what the brand aims to achieve and the value it provides to its customers.

Example: If a brand's mission is to create eco-friendly products, it focuses on making items that are good for the environment and help reduce waste.

2. Brand Vision

Definition: The brand’s vision is its long-term goal or what it aspires to become in the future. It represents the ultimate aim that the brand is working towards.

Example: A brand with a vision to become the leading provider of sustainable products worldwide is aiming to be recognized globally for its commitment to sustainability.

3. Brand Values

Definition: The brand’s values are its guiding principles and ethics. They reflect what the brand stands for and what it believes in.

Example: Values like sustainability, quality, and community show that a brand prioritizes environmental care, high standards, and supporting local communities.

4. Brand Voice

Definition: The brand’s voice is the tone, style, and language it uses to communicate. It helps create a consistent and recognizable way of speaking to its audience.

Example: A brand with a friendly and caring voice might use casual language and show empathy in its messages, making customers feel understood and valued.

5. Brand Positioning Statement

Definition: The brand’s positioning statement explains what makes the brand unique and how it stands out from its competitors. It highlights the brand’s unique value proposition.

Example: A positioning statement for a brand that offers eco-friendly pet products might emphasize its dedication to both pet care and environmental protection, setting it apart from brands that don’t focus on sustainability.

6. Brand Products and Services

Definition: This facet includes all the items and services that the brand offers to its customers. It shows the range and type of solutions the brand provides.

Example: If a brand offers biodegradable pet toys, organic pet food, and eco-friendly pet accessories, these products are part of its offerings and reflect its commitment to sustainability.


These facets of a brand work together to create a complete and consistent identity. Understanding each of these elements helps in appreciating how a brand presents itself and connects with its audience. Whether it's the mission that drives the brand, the vision that guides its future, or the values that shape its actions, each facet plays a crucial role in defining what the brand stands for and how it is perceived by the world.